Nicole Wang
- NCAA ID: n/a
- Status: Uncommitted
- Class of 2020
Next Level U Statement
From a young age of 4 years old, my parents got me involved in many sports (from skiing, soccer, hockey to swimming) along with maintaining strong academics. I’ve continued playing school and club sports ever since and currently love playing field hockey, soccer and ice hockey. The highlight of field hockey was when we won the OWG tournament to qualify for the Ontario Winter Games in February 2020. It was a struggle initially but we persevered as a team, motivated each other, and our game came together at the end. The third game was a pivotal point for me because my game started to come together and scored a few goals. As well as interest in sports, I enjoy volunteering in the community. I had the great opportunity to go on a medical/dental mission to Guatemala. It was a huge satisfaction and motivational to see the smiles on the faces after receiving the treatment they waited so long for. I was part of a team that worked long days but I enjoyed every minute and look forward to going back next summer. From here, I developed a strong interest in a field where I can help people and also learn about different cultures. From participating in several varsity sports, Prefect duties, playing flute in Winds and being the editor of the yearbook, they have given me the important skill of time management which will be valuable in university and in life. Multi-sports have also helped me develop different skill sets like positioning and gameplays. I’m looking for a school that is strong academically and where I can continue athletics. I believe I have the talent to compete for your team and also I have the determination, work ethics, and leadership skills to play an important role in your program. |
- School Name
- Trinity College School
- School City
- Bridgenorth
- Recruitment Year
- 2020